Thursday, July 30, 2009

10 weeks and counting down

I can't believe we're only 10 weeks away from meeting our baby girl! She's growing every week and responding more and more to our voices and to light. As an FYI, we will be delivering at the Center for Childbirth at Good Samaritan Hospital in Lafayette, CO. It's a gorgeous hospital in a very peaceful and beautiful part of Colorado. The birthing center is wonderful and the staff seem very patient, kind and welcoming. Plus, it's only 20 minutes from our house. I told my mom where I was delivering and she immediately squealed, "Oh, Casey. That's a good omen." She explained that by coincidence, Good Samaritan Hospital in Ohio is where she did her residency to become a registered dietitian and had nothing but glowing remarks about it. I hope she's right and that this is a good sign. Our friends, Amber and Chris delivered their twins there and though it's been a tough experience to watch their twins in the NICU, the staff have helped gain my confidence that, whatever happens, they're going to provide the best experience possible.

Monday, July 20, 2009

26 Weeks: Belly Photos

Yes, we're late in getting these out. We're already 29 weeks along but the photos are from 26 weeks. I'll try to get photos at 30 weeks to catch everyone up. For those that don't know yet, we've finally settled on a name. Coraline Vyara Laycock. What tickles us is that she actually responds to it. Chris will say her name to her and she kicks in response. She's getting much bigger. Her newest developments are that she gets the hiccups now and then, and she's taken to rolling, twisting, and jabbing me as she is getting too big to kick. Supposedly, she has eyelashes and hair now and can actually blink her eyes, which is so cool to me.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New baby to the family!

Our little girl now has a new cousin, and she's excited! Chris's brother, Rusty and his wife, April just welcomed a little girl... Cordelia (not sure how to spell it yet) 7lbs or so, this morning at 10am. We're all really excited.

And, our little girl has been doing flips and twists and kicks ALL morning to celebrate. YAY for babies!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009