Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bye-Bye Feet!

I asked my other pregnant friends to give me a list of all the things they miss most during their pregnancy.  I had to pass them along:

-Pooping regularly
-Bending over without falling on your face
-Sleeping on my stomach
-Late night snacking (without horrible heartburn)
-Shaving my legs without having to sit down (also trimming 'down there' without having to have help. Guess it's time I tried a bikini wax).
-Hugging someone without my boobs feeling like they've been hit with a 2x4.
-Sushi (drool!)
-Wine and/or Champagne 
-Imported cheeses
-Roller coasters and bumper cars
-Smoked meats or salmon
-Sleeping through the night without peeing every five minutes
-Laughing or sneezing without peeing my pants
-Being intimate with my husband without feeling like Mt. Everest is in the way.

Ahh, the little trials. Just keep telling yourself it's all worth it in the end.

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