Monday, September 14, 2009

Crying in the Womb

I just came across some interesting facts in my baby book. For instance, did you know that the baby can cry in utero. So, she's already practicing her first cries in the womb. Guess that's how they're so good at it as soon as they're born. Apparently, studies showed fetuses practicing what they call, "the Crying Reflex". Their little bottom lip quivers, they'll take deep, fast breaths (like gasps) and their mouths will open wide in what looks like crying. There's even a YouTube video of a baby crying in utero, though of course the sound (if any) is not what you would think of because there's no air in their lungs as they practice this. Plus, it's typically associated with what researchers call the "Startle reflex". Meaning that the baby is startled by something loud or some movement outside the womb and will instinctively cry in utero. How fascinating! If you're interested in the Youtube video I'm talking about its:

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