Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Waiting Game

Though the house is far from being clean and I still have laundry to put away, we're pretty much ready for the Big Day. Our bag is packed, 'care plans' have been arranged for the dog, the carseat is being installed, the baby's room is as ready as it will ever be, childbirth classes have been taken and materials reviewed. Now what?! We wait...and wait...and wait. This is the part that becomes increasingly frustrating. The Waiting Game.

We know that the longer she stays put the bigger and healthier she may be. Not to mention that our OB likes to let babies 'cook' for as long as possible if there's no sign of complications. But, we're so antsy to meet our little one that the waiting seems like an eternity. It certainly doesn't help when I come to work and each day they look at me with surprise that I haven't popped. And, it's already beginning to become annoying when I hear, "You're still here?" or "That baby isn't here yet?" I just wanna say, "Well, duh! Would I be walking into work if I just delivered last night?" the immortal words of Bill Engvall..."Here's Your Sign!"

False Labor is also a pain in the butt, literally and figuratively. Waking up at 3am with contractions so intense you can't sleep and backaches that won't cease only add to the frustration as I get my hopes up (and Chris's) only to have them dashed when everything slows down after 45 minutes. That's the key. They have to last 1 hour. So far I've been able to discern that it's false labor according to the OB because they slow down or decrease before that magic number. Until that happens, I just have to do as my friends say, "Suck it up, buttercup!" They definitely don't tell you about this part of pregnancy, the fact that your belly will suddenly and without warning, stiffen and cramp up into a hardened basketball leaving you breathless for a minute or so, or that this could go on for weeks and become painful. If it weren't for my baby books, classes and the internet I'd have no clue what was going on.

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