If there is a baby in the room, Chris will immediately want to pick it up, hold it and play with it. And, the baby usually responds to him with coos, and giggles, and gurgles and smiles. I, on the other hand, am shrinking into the shadows, praying that nobody asks me to hold the baby. I've even gone so far as to make up ridiculous excuses to save myself the impending embarrasment of holding the baby, which inevitably cries only proving my inadequacy at being a good mother. Insane, I know, ... but I can't help it. At parties, where a friend might bring their baby I would dread holding the baby but not because I didn't like holding them. That part I loved. I loved cuddling them. No, what I dreaded was my own fears that the baby would start crying and I couldn't soothe it and in my head the parents are staring at me wondering what's wrong with me and how can she not know what to do to calm a baby. I would try to hold it like the mother, try playing with it like Chris, but nothing seemed to work. I was hopeless.
I've had one good experience with one really laid-back baby named Morgan. This little guy didn't care what I did, he was so relaxed and enthralled with me. And, for the first time, I felt somewhat calm. I held him for hours and he rarely fussed. Just cooed, and drooled and smiled at me with huge blue eyes. So, maybe I'm not completely hopeless.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. The first time you hold your baby a lot of those fears melt away. It's a lot different when it is your baby and not someone elses. You will begin to know what each cry means and what your baby needs. When you are holding someone elses child you have no idea about any of that stuff. I won't lie....The first few weeks are really hard as you and your new little one get to know eachother (face it this is new for both of you), but it does get better. When I come home from school Jerry is trying his hardest to make Alyssa happy, all I have to do is pick her up and she stops, looks and me and almost seems to say YAY mommy is home!!!